ERLANDSEN DATA CONSULTING Excel & VBA Tips   Informasjon på norsk / Information in Norwegian

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Document: Description: Sort by name
Get Contact Information from Outlook This example function shows how you can retrieve contact information from Outlook 2007-08-13
Control PowerPoint from Excel Create a new PowerPoint presentation with information from Excel. 2005-07-25
Basic information about OLE automation General information about creating and using objects from other applications. 2000-11-07
Control Outlook from Excel Send information to Outlook (e.g. sending an e-mail message) and retrieve information from Outlook (e.g. retrieving a list av all messages in the Inbox). 2000-04-12
Control Word from Excel Send information to Word (e.g. creating a new document) and retrieve information from Word (e.g. reading information from a document). 2000-04-12
Determine if an application is available Use this macro to determine if an application is available and avoid run-tim errors when you are using OLE automation. 2000-04-12
Control Excel from Word Send information to Excel from Word (e.g. creating a new workbook) and retrieve information from Excel (e.g. reading information from a workbook). 2000-04-12
Erlandsen Data Consulting   
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