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These pages are no longer updated and are only available for archive purposes.

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Document: Description: Sort by name
Array variables How to use static and dynamic array variables. 2006-07-31
Open and close the CD/DVD tray With these macros you are able to activate the coffee cup holder. 2005-09-26
Disable the floating help window In Office 2000 the built-in help window has an annoying habit of trying to "help" you by floating back and forth on the screen while you work. To disable this behavior you can make a change to the Registry. 2000-04-15
Display all installed fonts (Word) Create a list of all installed fonts. 2000-04-15
Display all installed fonts (Excel) This macro creates a list of all installed fonts. 2000-04-15
Class modules General information about class modules. 1998-07-07
Erlandsen Data Consulting   
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