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Programming Examples


Document last updated 2006-05-18 12:48:35      Printerfriendly version

User comments:
Ole P. from Norway wrote (2006-11-04 03:26:42 CET):
Re: Please Help...
Sorry, can't help you with this.
Search Google for "VBAProject password" to find a suitable commercial solution that can help you.
Edwin Montero from Venezuela wrote (2006-11-04 03:10:42 CET):
ERLANDSEN I have a very big problem. how can I found the password in the VBAProject. I forgot it, and I have sixty-one Excel files with the same password, as can you see it´s a big upset.
I know you can help me.
Thanks a lot
Antonio from Adelaide, Australia wrote (2006-10-13 16:21:58 CET):
Have I been sleeping all this time....
bloody fantastic work, it has opened my eyes to the possibilities...again I say grazie!
V.D. Rama Rao from India, New Delhi wrote (2006-04-07 18:16:33 CET):
Marvelous !!
Excellent contribution for MS-Excel lovers. Great work and keep it up and keep going. Very well. Thanks a lot !!!
George from India wrote (2006-03-27 04:34:03 CET):
Great site! keep up the good work
K-rule from Malaysia wrote (2005-12-05 17:32:01 CET):
Good page !!!!!!!!
Finally, i found the page that can help me to create system in excel. Thank you.
Jean paul from Poperinge - Belgium wrote (2005-11-30 18:36:50 CET):
EXCELLENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You've helped me a lot of time. This website is very
good. Thanks a lot for all the usefull information
Ali from Paris, France wrote (2005-08-03 16:08:16 CET):
Thanks a lot
I want to thank you very much for your website which is excellent.
All the code and the downloads are very helpfull.
Your examples are very smart and very well design.
Another time, thank you.
Iceman from Conselheiro Lafaiete, Brasil wrote (2005-05-03 04:00:56 CET):
Excellent!This page is very good!Thank you so much!
Ben Morton from Houston, Texas wrote (2005-04-28 14:29:07 CET):
Excellent, practical, directly examples of HOW TO in this broad and ever elusive world of VB. Your examples have helped me tremendously! I'd like to talk to you about some work. email


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