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Close a workbook

If you just want to close a workbook without the user being prompted for any confirmations about saving the workbook you can simply do this :

ActiveWorkbook.Close False 
' closes the active workbook without saving any changes

ActiveWorkbook.Close True 
' closes the active workbook and saves any changes

' closes the active workbook and lets the user decide if 
' changes are to be saved or not


Document last updated 1999-12-20 12:51:17      Printerfriendly version

User comments:
Ole P. from Norway wrote (2006-01-04 10:47:10 CET):
Re: command
Take a look at the example "Prevent the user from stopping a running macro"
sunil landge from vadodara, India wrote (2006-01-04 08:54:39 CET):
how to use application.enablecancelkey in macro?
Nicholas from Colombia wrote (2005-02-23 15:05:03 CET):
It's very nice. I had a lot of problems with close a workbook


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